WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Paper 5 Appendix 4 – Aviemore Masterplan Route to Adoption Aviemore Masterplan- Route to Adoption Employ consultants to produce a revised Masterplan for Aviemore Done Stakeholder meetings between consultants and key developers to ensure masterplan is compatible with key developer aspirations Ongoing meetings with consultants, key players in community, CNPA staff to take forward review Sept-Nov Work closely with local authority and community reps to ensure guide takes full account of local aspirations Workshop with consultants, partners, agencies, community reps, Highland Council, local Board and other elected members 19th November 2007 Consultants to continue review taking into account findings of workshop November – December 2007 Ongoing work on SEA to inform Masterplan Public exhibition of draft document to comment December/January Consider findings of consultation and amend accordingly. Produce revised masterplan for adoption by Board March – May 2008 Link closely with Local Plan modifications to ensure masterplan and modifications are working in tandem Board agreement of Masterplan for use as Supplementary guidance July 2008 Use masterplan within CNPA and Highland Council to inform the decision making process July 2008